Gecko Codes

You can add more features to Slippi / Dolphin with Gecko Codes. If you're not sure how to add these codes to Dolphin/Slippi and enable them, view the video tutorial here:

Gecko Codes video thumbnail.

Check out the community Gecko Code wiki page for Melee by clicking the button below. Page

For Krohnos' Gecko Codes, including Mango Axe Wednesday (rollback items), No Ego Mode, No X/Y, Rishi's Jungle Jam, and more, visit the repository below.

Gecko Codes by Krohnos

HUD Transparency

HUD transparency showcase animated GIF.

PAL Stock Icons

PAL stocks showcase animated GIF.

Display Teams Ally

Ally Gecko code showcase animated GIF.

Stage Geometry

Stage geometry showcase screenshot.

Low-Poly Character Models

Low poly mode showcase screenshot.

Turn Green When Actionable

Actionable frames showcase animated GIF.

Yellow Color Overlay During IASA Frames

Color Overlay During Smash DI Inputs

Z Jump (swaps buttons for the local player only)

Flash Red on Unsuccessful L-Cancel (already part of Slippi)

Red flash on L-cancel showcase animated GIF.

16:9 Green Screen Footage Capture Kit (not for Slippi)

Green screen capture showcase screenshot.

Stage Footage Capture Kit (not for Slippi)

Stage capture kit showcase screenshot using the Yoshi's Story stage as an example.